Fengjie seeks a husband by sending her personal AD,凤姐在美国打的征婚启事。(附修改稿)
Fengjie’ Personal Ad of looking for a life partner (original text by Fengjie)
I’m looking for a Husband now. I am the hottest star from China. My name is luoyufeng (罗玉凤),chinese call me fengjie (凤姐),born 1985. I want my husband very interested in political and Economic, he would like to Dominate the world.
I want my Husband like this:
1. he must Between 25 to 31 years old.
2. He will Between 5.74 feet to 6.11 feet height.
3. He must never get married, no children.
4. He will graduated from a prestigious world, like Harvard, Yale, MIT, West Point, Stanford, Oxon, and so so.
5. He must has a master’s degree.
6. He can’t been an Asian.
7. He would better have a house and a car.
I’m born in a poor family in Chongqing. When 16, I come to a Inexpensive Normal school which I never liked. I read a lot of books Between 9 to 20. I’m Expert in Poetry and prose. In 2006 when I’m 21, I became a Language teacher, in 2008 when I’m 23, I resigned and come to shanghai for a better future, but I can’t get a good job there. There was no way to get more income except publicize myself, so I became the hottest star in china in 2010 when I’m 25. I came to the USA in the same year. Since there is over 300,000 chinese man asked marry me but none of them suitable.
1. I’m only 4.82 feet height, but I used to wear a High-heeled shoes. So I always looked like 5.08 feet.
2. I am from China which Country control Family Planning as their basal policy. I will Follow it, so I only want 2 children if get married.
—————- End
Fengjie tones down her brazen requirements in her English ad due to her limited English. Her personal ad is ridden with grammatical errors, poorly written and stinks of gold-digging. In the spirit of entertainment, I revised her personal ad. I hope my revision will help her land the perfect husband. The revision is free of charge. If ever Fengjie finds a husband of her dreams, it would be nice for Fengjie and her husband to offer me a round-trip ticket to the US. I will attend the wedding and do some sight-seeing on the side.
– Yvonne Liang
(免费帮凤姐修改了她的征婚广告。如果凤姐在美国找到如意郎君,一定要包来回机票,请我去美国参加婚礼,让我这个旅游控顺便游一下美国. 根据凤姐的原文,我帮她大大美化了一下她的征婚广告,她的英语实在是太烂,满纸语法错误,写得太赤裸裸,拜金,没内涵的。看我如何化腐朽为神奇
漂泊电台 第一期“灰姑娘的流浪日记”今儿上线了,欢迎老朋友聆听漂泊路上的声音。
2012-02-12 下午 4:52嗯,一定的。
2012-02-12 下午 5:56看看人家都出国了!
2012-02-12 下午 3:55呵呵,都不知道签证官怎么放她过去的。。。。
2012-02-12 下午 5:56